Thursday, November 28, 2013



caresses soft
music playing
in my hair
damp from the showering
of affections, loving
every perfect imperfection(s)
making her unique(ly)
(W)right for me
myself and eye
following the dangerous curves
ahead, slippery when wet
for "Daddy, may I cum(?)
before you, pledging love"
to be with you for the rest of days
past making us stronger together
we stand divided
by Zero - an apocalyptic impossible
to explain to the masses
of scar tissue on your heart
to heart healing touches
the soulful
my life with these words
on paper
covered in calligraphic claret
fills my glass
house laid bare to your sight
for eyes
sore from crying
blood from wounds
given lovingly
bound to the Saint Andrew's cross
your heart and hoping to die
in my arms
wrapped around you possessively
claiming what is Mine
and Mine alone
to love as I see fit
to be tied
with both rope and chain(ed).