I serve her
coffee every morning
waking, prepping, watching
her sleep peacefully
unaware of me
and my struggle
to keep her
happy with us
being us still
being separate entities
connected in ways
defying simple classification
as “friends,” “lovers”
of common things
given uncommon significance
by experiences shared
between man, woman
-child of circumstances
beyond her control
of me weakened
by distance, time
to man up
to the required
Universal bar set
with bloody maries
trying to drown
in sanguine sippage
from venerable veins
of golden goodness
emanates like sun
chasing the darkness
within us both
not wanting this
change to happen
to good people
who only want
happily ended stories
told to hide
in ignorance’s bliss
easily shattered, priceless
treasures, Dragon hordes
only the best
for divine tribute
from the acolyte
of the complex
pantheon’s a mystery
with no solution
to the puzzle
of complete absolution
from previous sins
in previous situation
getting so thick
like mama’s gravy
slathered on biscuits
of cheddar fluff(iness)
the perfect compliment
to the rock
of heart’s petrification
showing fossilized markings
from ancient civilization
lost to primal
beasts with urges
to be untamed
by harsh rei(g)ns
of die-hard habitual
mistakes were made
cast in gold
bells once rung
cannot be un-rung
un-announcing the time
waits for none
regardless of claim(ed)
power to change
for the better
man will win
what he deserves
to be served
on a platter
like hot sex
haikus written collectively
archived conversations kept
in a chest
with no heart
to do anything
but serve her
coffee every morning.
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