“Disciple of Discipline”?
Can Y/you walk the fine line
Between true discipline and crazed carnality?
Do Y/you hear the siren’s song of the strap?
Can Y/you tell the difference between quirt and crop?
By its sting alone?
Have Y/you ever silenced or been silenced with less than
A single word?
(yes, a SINGLE word)
Do Y/you punish for enjoyment?
Or for correction?
Do Y/you enjoy causing tears?
(or do Y/you catch each upon your tongue, empirical empathy?)
Custom collar?
Or re-used restraints?
Have Y/you first-hand knowledge of what Y/you ask?
Bore the welts, felt Leather’s lash?
Or the Violet Wand's electric tickle?
Do Y/you understand that
Public chiding need not humiliate
need not subjugate
need not complicate?
Take the time to learn Your craft
Or DO NOT speak on behalf of Me.
For I am
a DEDICATED Disciple of Discipline.
I am definitely becoming a disciple of discipline ;)